
You know, when I was doing my internship before going to uni, I had all these high goals and ambitions I set for myself.

"I'm gonna be more social! Man, I'm gonna join soo many student organisations, oh man the friends I'll be making in uni, I'm gonna be a changed man, oh boy, oh boy, I might even get a gf on my first year, why can't I just skip all this internship buffoonery and just go to uni now, ASAP ROCKY"




Haaah. Gue dua tahun yang lalu emang lucunya tiada dua.

Okay, untuk memberi kalian sedikit konteks, mari kita buat pernyataan-pernyataan gue di awal tadi jadi sebuah checklist.

1. Be more social

Well, in my defense, I did try becoming a more sociable lump of meat. But you all know how that went. Absolute disaster. So that's a cross on the list.

2. Join "soo many" student organisations

I joined one, stayed for the wrong reason, only lasted a little over one semester before I abandoned ship. Selain organisasi tersebut, gue sempet juga sih terlibat di organisasi perkumpulan murid Indonesia, or yeah something like that. We call ourselves APUINA, which stands for, well, you're smart enough, aren't you? I didn't exactly do anything major in the organisation as well, gue cuma ikut sebagai "logistik" untuk acara "Indonesian Week" dan juga ikutan jadi hantu. Yes, you read that correctly, gue jadi hantu.

My true form. (credits: @marutizeus)

Basically, salah satu event di Indonesian Week ada bikin "rumah hantu", you know, like those ones you encounter in night festivals and stuff like that? Yeah, I volunteered to be one of the ghosts. And yes, before you get any chance to say it, I've finally done what I can do best, haha, got em.

Kesimpulannya, gue yang sekarang udah masuk tahun ke-2 baru ikutan total 2 organisasi. Another cross, I guess.

3. "The friends I'll be making in uni"


4. Become a "changed man"

Well, to be fair, I have changed. Back into my former middle-school-self, so...can I give this one a check?

5. Get a gf (bonus points if earned on freshman year)


As you can see, I have achieved....nothing. Okay, perhaps I might've exaggerated some things here and there, especially the friends part, but I dunno, how can one be considered as a "friend"? Gue sih kalo "kenalan" banyak, tapi kalo "temen", gak yakin deh.

Seperti biasa, karena tidak ada hal menarik yang patut dijadikan stand-alone post, I'm just gonna tell you some interesting bits and bobs of what's been going on.

First off, I turned 19 not long ago. Yeah, I am now less than twelve months away from being two decades old. If you think you missed it, well, most probably is because you did. No worries though, I haven't been making my birthday too public so, you know, don't fuss about it. Did I get anything? Nope. Did I celebrate it? Hell yes, went to the club and get shitfaced as fuck boi.

Well, n-no, sorry, that was a blatant lie, I didn't. I went to class and then went home like any other day.

Second of all, summer's here. Selesai sudah semester ke-3 gue, dan astaganaga gue udah hampir setengah jalan kuliah. They say "time flies when you're having fun", well you know what, I think time flies even faster when you made a critical mistake in one of your life's biggest decision. Anyways, summer. Ada satu kenalan gue dari India yang baru aja nikah. Dia cowok, seumuran gue. What's that? My summer? It's fine so far, thank you for asking. Not exactly foreseeing any marriage any time soon, but fine nonetheless, y'know. To be fair, I'm only one week into summer, so I dunno, I can't really say much. Gue ga ada rencana yang terlalu spesial sih, jadi kurang lebih udah tau lah libur musim panas gue bakal kayak gimana.

Ketiga, soal blog ini. So it's been, what, more than six years now, I think? Six years, give or take, I've been running this mess of a blog. Dari SMP kelas 8 sampe sekarang kuliah tahun ke-2. Gilak men. It's arguably the most long-lasting thing I've ever done so far. And I've made exactly 0 amount of money from it. Selama ini, gue cuma nulis buat hobi dan juga sebagai alat agar gue dianggep sama temen-temen gue perantara gue mencurahkan isi hati gue. Akan tetapi, gue baru-baru ini sedang mencoba untuk dapet monetisasi di blog gue. Sekarang, aplikasi gue sedang diproses, I don't know when it'll be approved (or declined), but yeah, the thing that I want to emphasize is that I wanna be more serious in writing.

Bisnis bukanlah dunia gue. Agak ironis, memang, karena gue sekarang sedang menimba ilmu di sekolah tinggi bisnis, tapi gue gak ada minat atau pun ketertarikan di dunia bisnis sama sekali, even before I got into uni. I'm fully aware that this is gonna sound awfully arrogant, cocky, and unbearably naïve (even though I don't mean it to be that way), but

The world of business is boring.

For me, at least. Gue bener-bener gak bisa ngebayangin kerja kantoran 9 to 5 di masa depan gue. It's what's most likely going to happen, but if I can somehow manage to steer away from it, I feel like writing is the way. Throughout my life, I've never really had any passion or ambition. The only one I can think of is basketball, which I feel is a bit of a lost cause from the beginning. The next thing that came closest to basketball is this. Writing. Of course, I'm not that dumb thinking that writing's going to be easy, I also know how over-saturated the market is as well, so I've got a lot of work to do.

Okay, back to the monetization thing, basically, if my application gets through, there will be ads on showing on my blog. I hope you guys don't mind that, I'm pretty sure it's not going to affect the blog too much, but we'll see.

Content wise, I'm also trying to get into more serious types of work, kayak cerpen dan semacam itulah, so I may post some of those in the future. I've been practicing on my private blog which can only be seen by a handful of people, so I won't be posting those kinda work here until I'm fully confident enough to do so.


That's it really. Where's the mushy-feelsy-girl-related stuff? Well, I did crush on someone from my math class, but I didn't do anything about it. Perhaps one of the better decision I've made. I made eye contact once, i-it uhh...lasted...five...sec-but errrhmmm...yeah, anyhoo.

That's it.

You can go now.

Thank you, now go, shoo shoo.

No, really, please go.



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