Serene Twenty Eighteen
Ay, you lot ever had a wholesome dream about someone and it's so absurdly sweet and perfect, your brain just refuses to wake up, and it gets progressively weirder cause your dream-self starts becoming self aware that it's only a dream and constantly reminding you not to wake up, on the other hand the conscious part of your brain wants you to wake up because you know, the longer the dream goes, the more disappointed you will be when you wake up, which creates a distortion in your dream and you just start doing omnipotent level shits which forces you to finally wake up, but by then it's already late in the afternoon and now, not only are you sad that reality is nowhere near (and never will be) as good as the dream you just had, but your plan for the day's also been ruined?
SKIDDYBOOPBOPHEYYYHOOO, heya folks, it's ya boi, T H I S I S A C R Y F O R H E L P here, bringing you yet another top quality, the best of the best, and most important of all, p h r e s h new shit blog post.
👀👀👀👅👅👅😩😩💦💦💦💦 |
Goddammit Rory, you gotta stop with those monologue intro bullpoop, my guy, come one, you know this, sadposting is badposting, okay? Word? Word.
Ah yes, welcome, welcome, to another update post where I just write nonsense and drown in my own feelings. I'm writing these as if anyone cared enough to still be here, hahaaaaaaaa gatdem I am delusional.
Now, you may be thinking, "Rory, your writing has been getting more and more incoherent by the day".
And you're right.
Anyhoo, I'll just start right off, if you don't mind.
It's 2018! Yes, how wonderful, and after completely missing the first month, terkumpul juga akhirnya motivasi dan semangat untuk menulis. Dan apa pula yang menyebabkan hal tersebut untuk terjadi? Tentu saja, seperti biasa, rasa sedih, galau, dan kehampaan hati yang tiada ujung, selalu bisa diandalkan untuk mendorong gue untuk menulis sebagai pengalih perhatian dan peredam kepedihan soalnya kalo mau beli ganja sebagai alternatif mahal.
Oke, tadi mau ngomongin apa sih jadi lupa.
Jadi, 2018, and you know what, so far, it hasn't been that bad at all, I'll say that. Ujian akhir gue lancar (or most of them, at least), I'm still able to afford food, I'm not rotting away at the bottom of a ditch with my head cracked open, so y'know, life's been alright. Not only that, my favorite artists have been releasing new albums, songs, and projects, also, in addition to that, I've discovered more artists that I like, memperluas koleksi musik gue.
Speaking of music, gue juga baru aja posting serial baru gue, Important Music in My Life (disingkat IMIML, klik di sini kalo belom baca), and I already have several posts in the making for that series, so yeh, there's that to look forward to.
Errrr hmmm what else, what else...
Hng? What's that? My romance life?
Yaaaaaahhhh weeellllllll, hmmmmmmmmmmm gimana ya. I did crush on someone from one of my classes, but...yeah...I-I didn' anything about it soo...erhmmm yea.... As I said in the past, I don't really wanna force anything for now, you know, the whole going with the flow thing, and the whole mssing pen analogy I gave you, remember? But yeah, I never really made an effort to know her or get close to her, we have no mutual friends that I could've gone to for help, nothing, we're just two students in a class, making accidental eye-contact once in a while. Nothing blog-worthy, as far as I'm concerned.
The "someone" in the monologue?
Oh, that's not someone new. An old familiar face, but not too old and familiar.
Okay, right, soo what else should I say here, eh? Oh right, I'm gonna go back to Indonesia next month. Fine, I'll admit, my mom told me to be more "open" about my return home, okay? Because last year I didn't really tell anyone I came back home soo yeh. I dunno, I'm just a good boy following his mom's orders ok, anak teladan yang patut dicontoh nih gue. But other than that, I think that's it for now.
Okay, ciao now. It's currently 4:13 AM and I'm wide awake, gonna go for a little walk to tire myself out. Buhbye.
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