A Flicker of a Forgotten Dream

Art credits: Z-Studios on DeviantArt


This blog's still a thing?

A lot has happened, obviously. It's been tough, thus the lack of blog posts. It's been almost a whole year since I last posted. My last post wasn't even anything, it was just venting.

I've been drowning in adult responsibilities. Day-to-day corporate job, paying bills, committed relationship, aging parents, younger sibling's future, y'know, the likes. My life is...uneventful, for lack of a better word. Not to say that it ever was, but the kind of uneventful life I live now feels different from the past.

Back then, it was turbulent. I couldn't even tell whether or not I'd eat the next day, or if I'd be able to pay rent in time. I was crashing and burning like a maniac, trying out my luck with one girl after the other. At the time, I sought stability, above everything else. Financial, emotional, and everything else in between.

Ironically enough, now that I've gained a level of stability, everything's veiled in grey. I live with little to no desire, working a mind-numbing job from 9-to-6, eating two meals a day, going out every weekend. Just like everyone else.

I've truly become the embodiment of what I swore to never become.

In the process, I lost any and all passion for writing. After all, how was I supposed to write when everything looks and feels the same? Just a palette of grey as far as the eyes can see, an uninspiring life for yet another face in the crowd.

...is what I would say, but I'd be lying. Even after being away for so long, the fire remains within me. At its current state, it's no more than a blaze. A crackling pile of firewood, still red hot, waiting to be rekindled. 

I still want to write. Oh, so desperately. How I've missed the clickity-clack of my keyboard keys, turning letters into words, words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs.

Even after so long, after being so distracted by my day-to-day responsibilities, even after no longer living a turbulent life, I still want to write. I kept making excuses of "having nothing to write about", or "having no time", but in truth, I really, truly, desire nothing more but to write. And I've realized now, after being AFK for almost a complete lap around the sun, that I can write about simply anything. And everything.

If my days are monochromatic, then let me take it upon myself to give 'em a touch of technicolor.

Let this be the start of a new dawn. A new chapter, if you will, of my writing era.

As for the next few posts, they shall be no more than a "fire starter". A catalyst, or y'know, an oil to lube up the gears. Getting them moving again. Whatever thought that comes running through my head, I'll try to piece them together into words, and hopefully tell a story from it. I've been taking a long hiatus from writing, so I'll need to get back into game shape first. Building momentum, too, so I can actually get into a more steady rhythm, and with that, hopefully more frequent posting.

Other than that, by all means, take a gander. Maybe read a few of my old posts.

Narcissistic as it may sound, some of them are proper bangers. I say this a lot as joke, but damn, I really do be writin' sometimes.


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