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On the Brink of Falling Asleep I find the best time to write to be these two situations: 1. The moments in between, the downtime, or what have you (for me, commute home from anywhere, especially when it's nighttime). 2. When I am near collapse after a long day. Number one is especially potent, as thoughts tend to race inside my head during those moments in between. Sadly, these moments come and go relatively quickly, and not to mention I usually am so deep in it that I wouldn't even think about doing anything but. Writing down my thoughts on the notes app would just serve as a distraction, let alone actually opening a laptop. But I find myself indulging in these moments more often as of late. My commute isn't exactly a long one, but enough for my brain to start forming thoughts that are against my will.  Number two I find to be more convenient, but I'm encountering it less and less over time. Ever since my twenty-fifth birthday, I have found it

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