Still Here

Heyya guys. So yep, gue emang udah gak posting for quite a while, tapi no, gue belom berhenti nulis blog, oke? Haah it's just that a lot of things has happened dan gue juga baru pindah rumah, which means no internet. Jadi tiap ada ide buat nulis lewat, yaudah lewat aja... Dan ya, tugas makin numpuk parah ampun haduh T-T jadi tolong dimaklumi yah.

Anyways, while I'm at it, a lot of things happened as I mentioned. Dari yang jelek, bagus, gak jelas, porno (hehe boong deng, udah pengen tuh :P), memalukan, dan banyak lagi. Tapi yah pastinya ga akan gue ceritain semua lah. Privasi men, privasi.

Jadi yaa I got a lot to catch up with. Okay maybe, just maybe, I'll talk a little about Radio. Just a little. Tapi kapan-kapan, gak sekarang, ok? Sip.

Jadi buat kalian yang ngira blog ini udah mati, belom. This blog is not yet dead fellas. So you just wait for another new post coming. Just wait.


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