Life Update - 2017
Apa-apaan ini, tiba-tiba udah mau 2017 aja. Gue belom siap mental. Di sisi lain, tahun 2016 bisa jadi tahun yang paling garing dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. There were major changes, yes, but that's pretty much all the eventful stuff there is. Gue pindah ke Jepang, dan untuk pertama kali hidup sendiri tanpa orang tua. Meskipun begitu, getting into uni was not as eventful as I thought it would be. I had high hopes for my uni life, udah siap-siap bermabuk-mabukan dan melakukan pergaulan bebas biar dianggep keren dan trendy. Udah siap-siap ganti gaya jadi pake snapback dan sepatu yang harganya tidak masuk akal, pake anting-antingan, dan gak lupa pose foto pamer jari tengah di tempat dugem remang-remang soalnya, apparently, that's """cool""".
What the hell are people on nowadays. Antara alay dan gaul emang bedanya setipis selembar kertas ya.
But, no, I never had any of those things planned in mind, don't worry. Sesedih-sedihnya gue, gue gak bakal lari ke alkoholisme, rokok, atau pun narkoba. Instead, I hide my agony and sorrow with online gaming and Pokemon.
Hilang sudah semua harapan dapet jodoh.
Before anyone says anything, I know, I know, tahun ini emang tahun di mana gue postingannya paling dikit. I have a lot of arguments to defend that. First one,
"Quality over quantity"
Which.....doesn't really support my argument in any way because way... ehm, yeah, ok, enough self deprecation.
Argumen ke-2 gue adalah kuliah.
"Oh, but Rory, you said uni is uneventful and blaablaablaa"
Well, first off,cunt, yes that is correct, but that's actually the point that I'm trying to say. It's so uneventful to the point where it's making me braindead. Lucky for me, this quarter of my semester is actually more enjoyable because of the classes are actually interesting (I say some, it's really only one). Profesornya gak suka ngelantur sendiri, topiknya juga menarik, dan ada temen. And yes, that friend is, none other, Kemari.
Surprisingly (or not? I dunno) enough, we're getting along quite well. So well to the point where she actually curcol soal cowoknya yang jauh di kampung halaman dan bagaimana sang cowok nan gagah ini mulai bersikap "aneh" terhadap si Kemari.
Tapiiii, tapi tapi, I'm not gonna go too deep into that. Why? Just because.
Onto my third, and possibly last, point of argument. Video games.
If you haven't noticed already, I'm a big fan of the Pokemon franchise, and they just released a new game not long ago. Gak cuma itu, gue juga belakangan ini mulai main Overwatch. And yes, I've fallen into the dark, endless pit of addiction. So yeah, all those time I could've spent on making covers of songs and making more blog posts, I spent on those two instead.
Jadi yah, buat segelintir manusia yang masih baca blog gue (and actually find it entertaining), gue minta maaf atas kurangnya produktifitas gue di blog ini. I'm gonna try to increase both the quantity and quality of my posts.
Which is actually going to be the next thing i wanna talk about. I dont know if it's just me, or you guys feel it as well, but my blog is getting stale and repetitive. Lama-lama jadi garing karena akhirannya gampang ditebak.
For most of my posts, the premise is simply "Oh Rory meet girl", "oh Rory thinks girl cute", "oh Rory like girl", "Rory dont get girl bcos he ugly and then he sad LOL XDDDDD", and voila, a blog post done.
I kinda want to focus more on talking about other things, you know, like, just general stupid things that pop out of nowhere in my life, but then I'm kinda scared that you guys won't find it as funny. So yeah, teman-teman, if some of my posts in the future are not as funny or entertaining to you, I apologize in advance. Even though I've been doing this for roughly 5 years (almost 6 now), I'm still trying to get the hang of this whole writing thing. I still need to experiment and improve a lot in order to at least be a "decent" writer.
Yah, tapi gue gak bisa janji apa-apa. Dan ini juga kemungkinan besar jadi post terakhir gue di tahun 2016 ini. Bukan tahun yang buruk, cuma agak membosankan. Ada beberapa pengalaman yang seru dan gak terlupakan, kayak pas gue di Singapura bareng temen-temen deket gue, atau pas gue ke jalan-jalan sendirian di Tokyo. Let's just hope 2017 will have more fireworks and confetti.
And, of course
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy Hanukkah
Whatever you're celebrating, kalo ada yang baru lebaran sekarang, minal aidin walfaidzin.
And happy new year, everyone. See you then.
"Oh, but Rory, you said uni is uneventful and blaablaablaa"
Well, first off,
Surprisingly (or not? I dunno) enough, we're getting along quite well. So well to the point where she actually curcol soal cowoknya yang jauh di kampung halaman dan bagaimana sang cowok nan gagah ini mulai bersikap "aneh" terhadap si Kemari.
Tapiiii, tapi tapi, I'm not gonna go too deep into that. Why? Just because.
Onto my third, and possibly last, point of argument. Video games.
If you haven't noticed already, I'm a big fan of the Pokemon franchise, and they just released a new game not long ago. Gak cuma itu, gue juga belakangan ini mulai main Overwatch. And yes, I've fallen into the dark, endless pit of addiction. So yeah, all those time I could've spent on making covers of songs and making more blog posts, I spent on those two instead.
Jadi yah, buat segelintir manusia yang masih baca blog gue (and actually find it entertaining), gue minta maaf atas kurangnya produktifitas gue di blog ini. I'm gonna try to increase both the quantity and quality of my posts.
Which is actually going to be the next thing i wanna talk about. I dont know if it's just me, or you guys feel it as well, but my blog is getting stale and repetitive. Lama-lama jadi garing karena akhirannya gampang ditebak.
For most of my posts, the premise is simply "Oh Rory meet girl", "oh Rory thinks girl cute", "oh Rory like girl", "Rory dont get girl bcos he ugly and then he sad LOL XDDDDD", and voila, a blog post done.
I kinda want to focus more on talking about other things, you know, like, just general stupid things that pop out of nowhere in my life, but then I'm kinda scared that you guys won't find it as funny. So yeah, teman-teman, if some of my posts in the future are not as funny or entertaining to you, I apologize in advance. Even though I've been doing this for roughly 5 years (almost 6 now), I'm still trying to get the hang of this whole writing thing. I still need to experiment and improve a lot in order to at least be a "decent" writer.
Yah, tapi gue gak bisa janji apa-apa. Dan ini juga kemungkinan besar jadi post terakhir gue di tahun 2016 ini. Bukan tahun yang buruk, cuma agak membosankan. Ada beberapa pengalaman yang seru dan gak terlupakan, kayak pas gue di Singapura bareng temen-temen deket gue, atau pas gue ke jalan-jalan sendirian di Tokyo. Let's just hope 2017 will have more fireworks and confetti.
And, of course
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy Hanukkah
Whatever you're celebrating, kalo ada yang baru lebaran sekarang, minal aidin walfaidzin.
And happy new year, everyone. See you then.
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