Mad Kicks
Oh hey what the heck, I can insert emojis here now.
Ehm, okay, enough of that shenanigans. Moving on, boys and girls.
Sejak peristiwa stasiun kereta, gue udah gak pernah ketemu lagi dengan si Panadol. Liat aja gak pernah. Dari libur musim panas sampe sekarang udah mau libur musim dingin, gak sekali pun gue kontak dengan dia. Not that I don't want to, tapi emang sekarang udah bener-bener gak ada aktivitas yang sama. Dia ke meeting Habitat udah gak pernah dateng, dan di luar itu juga kita masing-masing udah sibuk dengan kelas dan aktivitas sendiri. But then saying that, I do have a bad habit of ghosting once-very-close people out of my life. Or actually, the other way round, ghosting away from people's life. Eh I dunno, one or the other, you get my point.
Jadi yah, mungkin aja ini emang udah jadi a subconscious behavior of mine. Atau bisa juga dia yang jaga jarak karena takut digentayangi gue lagi, entah. All I'm trying to say is, that's that for Panadol.
Summer vacation gave me more than enough time to move on from Panadol. Mungkin keputusan jenius gue di malam terakhir semester pertama merupakan keputusan yang bagus after all. Oke, mungkin gue sempet galau beberapa hari, but compared to past experiences, this one's nothing. Gue juga sempet jalan-jalan ke Tokyo, jadi mungkin itu cukup membantu gue untuk gak mikirin si obat pereda panas penyebab kantuk.
Selesai musim panas, semester musim gugur pun dimulai. Awal semester dua gue ini gak terlalu bagus, salah satunya karena gue gak dapet kelas yang gue inginkan. Gak cuma itu, gue juga dapet kelas bahasa Jepang yang gurunya, menurut review murid-murid lain, sangat disiplin. Or in other words, guru killer.
But yeah, beginning of the semester, you know, I'm trying to stay positive and hope that there will be a silver lining amidst all this shitstorm. Sure enough, there is. And yes, I know you lot are probably already making guesses of what it might be, and I can assure you that you're correct.
However, in order to make this post longer, I will not jump straight into the matter.
Kebiasaan smokescreen di tugas jadi kebawa ke blog nih.
Anyways, semester baru, berarti banyak murid-murid baru yang masuk. You might be thinking, "wah ini pasti berarti Rory ngincer anak-anak baru".
And you're right.
Well, oke, gue nggak seputus asa itu juga lah, but there was a speck of hope that I could meet someone that will not see me as a younger brother. You get what I'm saying here?
Tapi ya, I wasn't exactly counting on it, because I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Maybe this trying to find a gf thing is like trying to find a lost pen for me. Kalo gue bener-bener nyari setengah mati, gak ketemu-ketemu, eh giliran udah gak terlalu dipikirin, tiba-tiba nongol itu pulpen dari dimensi lain.
And so my second semester began.
Kelas pertama gue di semester ini kelas bahasa Jepang. Gue sekarang udah di kelas intermediate, walaupun gue sadar kalo gue masih jauh dari intermediate. So please, to all of you that wanted me to translate nonsense sentences such as "I SCREWED UR MUM LAST NIGHT AND SHE CALLED ME DADDY" into Japanese, I politely ask you to please stop. Please.
Biasanya, kelas intermediate itu jarang ada murid baru masuk, soalnya emang loncatan dari kelas foundation ke kelas intermediate itu lumayan gede, jadi unless you're at least decent in the language, mending dari foundation. Banyak juga yang udah bagus bahasa Jepangnya tapi ngambil foundation buat easy credits. Tapi, yang gue coba katakan adalah, loncat langsung ke kelas intermediate itu hampir sama dengan bunuh diri.
Dan siapa sangka, dua orang pertama yang semasuknya gue ke ruang kelas mukanya terlihat asing. Pikiran pertama gue menuju ke 'murid baru', tapi gue mikir lagi, 'temen gue gak banyak', jadi gue membuka kemungkinan kalo mereka murid seangkatan gue (atau lebih tua) tapi emang gak pernah liat aja. Akan tetapi, untuk kali ini, tebakan pertama gue benar. As the lesson started, guru gue mengabsen kita satu-satu dan dia juga bilang sesuatu tentang dua murid tadi kalo mereka itu anak baru masuk, can't remember the exact words.
One of the new student is a guy from Thailand. Orangnya ramah, murah senyum, bisa ngomong normal, a nice guy to have around in general. The other one is, surprise surprise,
A transvestite.
Sike, yes it is a girl. And, as usual, because the first class was only an introduction class and I don't really know anyone in it yet, I didn't really care much about about my surroundings, including her. Gue cuma tau dia sipit, yang berarti dia in some way Asian. Aaand, of course, like I always do, I wasn't exactly "blinded" or "bedazzled" by her at the start.
That thing's becoming a trend in my life, I swear, where at first I was trying to not make a big deal out of someone and it eventually gets out of hand, dari Kursi sampe sekarang.
Moving on, it wasn't until the second or third class, I think, karena di kelas itu kita masing-masing harus memperkenalkan diri di depan kelas, jadi otomatis gue tau sedikit tentang dia. Namanya Kemari, dari negara bagian ke-50 Amerika Serikat. Oddly enough, the first thing I noticed about her was her kicks, a.k.a. her shoes. Adidas Ultra Boost bo'. Yeah, if you guys didn't know, I've developed an interest in shoes. Cuma suka tapi, gak beli, soalnya duit. Well I mean I did buy a few when I first came here, tapi harganya gak ada yang semahal Ultra Boost oke.
Setelah kelas, gue, yang baru kenal si anak baru dari Thailand, jalan keluar kelas bareng dia. Dia udah lumayan deket dengan si Kemari, karena sesama anak baru. Gue jadi otomatis ngobrol dengan Kemari, and get to know her a tad bit better.
Dari ngobrol sama dia, gue juga tau kalo ternyata selain kelas bahasa Jepang, kita ngambil dua kelas yang sama. Meskipun begitu, gue dan Kemari gak pernah duduk bareng di kelas-kelas tersebut, karena dia ada grupnya sendiri dan gue juga sama.
In before people say "wuih Ror, ada temen yang mau duduk sebelah lu Ror?"
Jadi ya, selama kira-kira bulan September sampe awal November, gue dan dia gak terlalu deket, karena, well, gue gak dapet terlalu banyak kesempatan untuk ngobrol dengan dia. Paling sekali-kali di kelas bahasa Jepang kalo gue dateng kepagian dan kelas belom mulai, tapi itu juga cuma obrolan kecil, paling nanya-nanya "gimana kemaren quiz lo di kelas yang itu?" and things like that. Lama kelamaan, dia jadi sering nyapa duluan dan ngajak ngobrol duluan, dan kita juga sering jalan balik dari kelas bareng dan ngobrol lebih banyak. So yeah, inevitably, I developed a mild crush on her.
For the sake of context, one thing you need to know is that di kelas bahasa Jepang, kita dibagi-bagi jadi beberapa grup terpisah, dan anggota grupnya si Kemari...well, let's just say she's not very fond of them. Terutama satu murid cowok dari Taiwan yang, menurut dia, gak pernah ngerjain apa-apa dan gak membantu sama sekali.
"Ih woi, gue kesel banget sama si <insert Taiwanese name here> dia tuh gak pernah ngapa-ngapain, udah kerjaannya bolos kelas mulu lagi, my God", kata si Kemari dengan nada yang sangat kecut.
"Hahaha eh but at least his Japanese is fluent, right?"
"Yeah, but what good does that do if he doesn't even know what we're doing? Itu orang lebih mentingin ngerokok daripada belajar tau ga sih, tiap five minute break pasti ngerokok terus balik-balik ke kelas telat dan bau asbak"
"HAHAH bener sih"
Dan gak kerasa, tiba-tiba udah mid-term exam aja. Sembari nunggu waktu ujian mulai, gue ngobrol dengan temen-temen sekelas gue di depan ruangan ujian. Hampir semua murid udah dateng, kecuali si anak Taiwan. Gue, yang tau segimana bencinya si Kemari sama murid tersebut, jokingly asked her,
"Eh, where's your bff? The exam's about to start and he's nowhere to be seen"
"Shut the f--- up, don't you dare say that. And I don't know okay, probably out smoking"
"Hahah hey, he is your teammate you know"
"Yeah, fine, I know I knoow"
Dan gak lama setelah itu, si anak Taiwan dateng.
"Oh look, there he is", ujar gue ke si Kemari.
"Well thank goodness, I thought he's lost all care for his grades"
"He might not care much about his grades, but you gotta admit his kicks are mad nice", I said, after seeing a pair of Yeezys on the Taiwanese guy's feet. I kinda took a gamble here because what I was thinking was that she's wearing a pair of Ultra Boosts, so maybe she's a sneakerhead towards a certain extent? Jadi ya randomly I just brought that up to keep the conversation going.
"Yeah that's true, I want those, I heard they're super comfortable but they're just crazy expensive", jawab si Kemari.
"To be fair, your kicks are mad nice as well, Ultra Boosts", kata gue, agak modus.
And, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for her reaction to that sincere, light compliment?
"Ah, why thank you", she said.
"My boyfriend bought it for me"
Gue shock ringan, kepala sempoyongan, perut keroncongan, lho kok malah jadi bikin pantun.
Untuk menutupi perasaan gue, gue tentu saja jawab dengan biasa aja.
"Oooh wow, your boyfriend's generous as hell hahaha"
"Hahaha well, actually I kinda paid half of it because I felt bad for him, so yeah"
Dalam hati gue bilang, "Tetep aja mahal itu nyet, boro-boro beliin cewek gue Ultra Boost, beliin Ultra Milk aja mikir-mikir gue"
Dan dengan begitu, selesai sudah cerita ini. Tapi tenang, gue masih lumayan deket kok dengan dia. Belakangan ini malahan we're closer than ever,so close to the point where it's quite hard to not think about her and wanting to actually be more than friends but hey ho karena di quarter ke-2 semester ini, kita ada kelas yang bareng tepat setelah kelas bahasa Jepang, jadi dari kelas Jepang kita selalu jalan ke kelas berikutnya bareng dan kita juga duduk bareng.
So yeah. That's it. Go on, scram now, I haven't got any more things to post.
But yeah, beginning of the semester, you know, I'm trying to stay positive and hope that there will be a silver lining amidst all this shitstorm. Sure enough, there is. And yes, I know you lot are probably already making guesses of what it might be, and I can assure you that you're correct.
However, in order to make this post longer, I will not jump straight into the matter.
Kebiasaan smokescreen di tugas jadi kebawa ke blog nih.
Anyways, semester baru, berarti banyak murid-murid baru yang masuk. You might be thinking, "wah ini pasti berarti Rory ngincer anak-anak baru".
And you're right.
Well, oke, gue nggak seputus asa itu juga lah, but there was a speck of hope that I could meet someone that will not see me as a younger brother. You get what I'm saying here?
Tapi ya, I wasn't exactly counting on it, because I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Maybe this trying to find a gf thing is like trying to find a lost pen for me. Kalo gue bener-bener nyari setengah mati, gak ketemu-ketemu, eh giliran udah gak terlalu dipikirin, tiba-tiba nongol itu pulpen dari dimensi lain.
And so my second semester began.
Kelas pertama gue di semester ini kelas bahasa Jepang. Gue sekarang udah di kelas intermediate, walaupun gue sadar kalo gue masih jauh dari intermediate. So please, to all of you that wanted me to translate nonsense sentences such as "I SCREWED UR MUM LAST NIGHT AND SHE CALLED ME DADDY" into Japanese, I politely ask you to please stop. Please.
Biasanya, kelas intermediate itu jarang ada murid baru masuk, soalnya emang loncatan dari kelas foundation ke kelas intermediate itu lumayan gede, jadi unless you're at least decent in the language, mending dari foundation. Banyak juga yang udah bagus bahasa Jepangnya tapi ngambil foundation buat easy credits. Tapi, yang gue coba katakan adalah, loncat langsung ke kelas intermediate itu hampir sama dengan bunuh diri.
Dan siapa sangka, dua orang pertama yang semasuknya gue ke ruang kelas mukanya terlihat asing. Pikiran pertama gue menuju ke 'murid baru', tapi gue mikir lagi, 'temen gue gak banyak', jadi gue membuka kemungkinan kalo mereka murid seangkatan gue (atau lebih tua) tapi emang gak pernah liat aja. Akan tetapi, untuk kali ini, tebakan pertama gue benar. As the lesson started, guru gue mengabsen kita satu-satu dan dia juga bilang sesuatu tentang dua murid tadi kalo mereka itu anak baru masuk, can't remember the exact words.
One of the new student is a guy from Thailand. Orangnya ramah, murah senyum, bisa ngomong normal, a nice guy to have around in general. The other one is, surprise surprise,
A transvestite.
Sike, yes it is a girl. And, as usual, because the first class was only an introduction class and I don't really know anyone in it yet, I didn't really care much about about my surroundings, including her. Gue cuma tau dia sipit, yang berarti dia in some way Asian. Aaand, of course, like I always do, I wasn't exactly "blinded" or "bedazzled" by her at the start.
That thing's becoming a trend in my life, I swear, where at first I was trying to not make a big deal out of someone and it eventually gets out of hand, dari Kursi sampe sekarang.
Moving on, it wasn't until the second or third class, I think, karena di kelas itu kita masing-masing harus memperkenalkan diri di depan kelas, jadi otomatis gue tau sedikit tentang dia. Namanya Kemari, dari negara bagian ke-50 Amerika Serikat. Oddly enough, the first thing I noticed about her was her kicks, a.k.a. her shoes. Adidas Ultra Boost bo'. Yeah, if you guys didn't know, I've developed an interest in shoes. Cuma suka tapi, gak beli, soalnya duit. Well I mean I did buy a few when I first came here, tapi harganya gak ada yang semahal Ultra Boost oke.
Setelah kelas, gue, yang baru kenal si anak baru dari Thailand, jalan keluar kelas bareng dia. Dia udah lumayan deket dengan si Kemari, karena sesama anak baru. Gue jadi otomatis ngobrol dengan Kemari, and get to know her a tad bit better.
Dari ngobrol sama dia, gue juga tau kalo ternyata selain kelas bahasa Jepang, kita ngambil dua kelas yang sama. Meskipun begitu, gue dan Kemari gak pernah duduk bareng di kelas-kelas tersebut, karena dia ada grupnya sendiri dan gue juga sama.
In before people say "wuih Ror, ada temen yang mau duduk sebelah lu Ror?"
Jadi ya, selama kira-kira bulan September sampe awal November, gue dan dia gak terlalu deket, karena, well, gue gak dapet terlalu banyak kesempatan untuk ngobrol dengan dia. Paling sekali-kali di kelas bahasa Jepang kalo gue dateng kepagian dan kelas belom mulai, tapi itu juga cuma obrolan kecil, paling nanya-nanya "gimana kemaren quiz lo di kelas yang itu?" and things like that. Lama kelamaan, dia jadi sering nyapa duluan dan ngajak ngobrol duluan, dan kita juga sering jalan balik dari kelas bareng dan ngobrol lebih banyak. So yeah, inevitably, I developed a mild crush on her.
For the sake of context, one thing you need to know is that di kelas bahasa Jepang, kita dibagi-bagi jadi beberapa grup terpisah, dan anggota grupnya si Kemari...well, let's just say she's not very fond of them. Terutama satu murid cowok dari Taiwan yang, menurut dia, gak pernah ngerjain apa-apa dan gak membantu sama sekali.
"Ih woi, gue kesel banget sama si <insert Taiwanese name here> dia tuh gak pernah ngapa-ngapain, udah kerjaannya bolos kelas mulu lagi, my God", kata si Kemari dengan nada yang sangat kecut.
"Hahaha eh but at least his Japanese is fluent, right?"
"Yeah, but what good does that do if he doesn't even know what we're doing? Itu orang lebih mentingin ngerokok daripada belajar tau ga sih, tiap five minute break pasti ngerokok terus balik-balik ke kelas telat dan bau asbak"
"HAHAH bener sih"
Dan gak kerasa, tiba-tiba udah mid-term exam aja. Sembari nunggu waktu ujian mulai, gue ngobrol dengan temen-temen sekelas gue di depan ruangan ujian. Hampir semua murid udah dateng, kecuali si anak Taiwan. Gue, yang tau segimana bencinya si Kemari sama murid tersebut, jokingly asked her,
"Eh, where's your bff? The exam's about to start and he's nowhere to be seen"
"Shut the f--- up, don't you dare say that. And I don't know okay, probably out smoking"
"Hahah hey, he is your teammate you know"
"Yeah, fine, I know I knoow"
Dan gak lama setelah itu, si anak Taiwan dateng.
"Oh look, there he is", ujar gue ke si Kemari.
"Well thank goodness, I thought he's lost all care for his grades"
"He might not care much about his grades, but you gotta admit his kicks are mad nice", I said, after seeing a pair of Yeezys on the Taiwanese guy's feet. I kinda took a gamble here because what I was thinking was that she's wearing a pair of Ultra Boosts, so maybe she's a sneakerhead towards a certain extent? Jadi ya randomly I just brought that up to keep the conversation going.
"Yeah that's true, I want those, I heard they're super comfortable but they're just crazy expensive", jawab si Kemari.
"To be fair, your kicks are mad nice as well, Ultra Boosts", kata gue, agak modus.
And, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for her reaction to that sincere, light compliment?
"Ah, why thank you", she said.
"My boyfriend bought it for me"
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escuse me, wasdat? |
Gue shock ringan, kepala sempoyongan, perut keroncongan, lho kok malah jadi bikin pantun.
Untuk menutupi perasaan gue, gue tentu saja jawab dengan biasa aja.
"Oooh wow, your boyfriend's generous as hell hahaha"
"Hahaha well, actually I kinda paid half of it because I felt bad for him, so yeah"
Dalam hati gue bilang, "Tetep aja mahal itu nyet, boro-boro beliin cewek gue Ultra Boost, beliin Ultra Milk aja mikir-mikir gue"
Dan dengan begitu, selesai sudah cerita ini. Tapi tenang, gue masih lumayan deket kok dengan dia. Belakangan ini malahan we're closer than ever,
So yeah. That's it. Go on, scram now, I haven't got any more things to post.
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